Short Biography
Born in Berlin in 1964. 1985–92 Studied journalism and German literature in Berlin and Paris, M.A. (“Der Allgemeine Deutsche Nachrichtendienst ADN”). 1993–94 Internship at the Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. 1995–99 freelance journalist in London. 2004–12 part-time study of art history and medieval and modern history in Frankfurt a. M., M.A. (“Zur Rezeption von Dürers Proportionslehre: Gliederpuppen als ideale Menschen”). 2004–08 research assistant at the University Archives of the Goethe University, teaching assistant for Dr. Michael Maaser.
2012-2022 Research Assistant and Press Officer at Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlösser und Gärten Hessen / Bad Homburg. Since 2023, Research Associate at Leibniz University Hannover, Department of History of Landscape Architecture and Garden Conservation; Managing Director of the Center of Garden Art and Landscape Architecture. Since 2015 PhD candidate under Prof. Dr. Jochen Sander with “Calculated Beauty. Receptions of Albrecht Dürer's Theory of Proportions with a case study on the work of Master IP".
In addition to my career, I research the significance and application of measurement-aesthetics in German Renaissance art. This is generally met with scepticism and avoided. Yet the findings of my master’s thesis showed that the Early Modern Period’s scientification of art also found resonance among German artists. This is true at least of the Master IP from Passau.
Several museums have made it possible for me to measure intricately carved articulated mannequins considered to have been produced by the sculptor himself. It can be verified that the small sculptures were created in accordance with the norm specifications of some of the body models in Dürer’s Four Books on Human Proportion (1528). The Master IP adopted Dürer’s suggestion "Without the right measure no one will realise anything good" literally. [1] The value of Dürer’s art theory for artistic praxis had previously been doubted or even denied.
/ The examination of Dürer’s head constructions assumes that the artist placed greater value on idealising strategies than has formerly been supposed. The Head of a Man in any case proves to be an experimental field of geometric form definition. The comparison with other heads yielded further evidence and prompted more thorough research.
Over the course of his intensive studies of proportion, Dürer long sought a reproducible schema for the construction of heads. In his proportion treatise of 1528, quite simple variants ultimately were used as teaching examples. But in his actual artistic praxis he apparently took a different path, for over three decades.
[1] “Und ohne rechtes Maß wird niemand etwas Gutes erzielen.” Dürer in the so-called Aesthetic Discourse: Albrecht DÜRER / Berthold HINZ, Vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion (1528). Mit einem Katalog der Holzschnitte, ed. and trans. into modern German with commentary by Berthold Hinz (Berlin, 2011), fol. T4v, 233.
‘Meister IP (zugeschrieben), Gliederpuppe einer Frau, Gliederpuppe eines Mannes’, in: Jochen Sander (ed.), Dürer. Kunst – Künstler – Kontext (exhib. cat. Frankfurt am Main, Städel-Museum, 2013–14) (Munich, 2013), 164–167.
‘Meister IP (zugeschrieben), Gliedermann und Gliederfrau’, in: Stefan Roller / Jochen Sander (eds.), Fantastische Welten. Albrecht Altdorfer und das Expressive in der Kunst um 1500 (exhib. cat. Frankfurt am Main, Städel-Museum, 2013–14) (Munich, 2013), 64.
‘Die Gliederpuppen des Meisters IP – ein skulpturales Erbe der Dürerschen Proportionslehre’, in: Jiři Fajt / Susanne Jäger (eds.), Das Expressive in der Kunst 1500-1550. Albrecht Altdorfer und seine Zeitgenossen. Tagungsband zur Ausstellung “Fantastische Welten” (in Frankfurt am Main from 5 November to 8 February and in Vienna from 17 March to 14 June 2015), Berlin 2018, 162–173.
‘Von Menschen und Maßen – die Schönheit von Meister IPs Akten’, in: Nicole Hegener (ed.), Nackte Gestalten. Die Wiederkehr des antiken Aktes in der Renaissanceplastik. Tagungsband zum internationalen Kolloquium vom 7. bis 9. April 2016 an der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin (in planning).
Albrecht Dürer, Testa di uomo, in: Bernard Aikema / in collaboration with Andrew John Martin (eds.), Dürer e il Rinascimento tra Germania e Italia (exhib. cat. Mailand, Palazzo Reale, 2018) (Milan 2018), 348
Gliederpuppen-Akteure. Die Geschichte beweglicher Skulpturen in Menschengestalt aus Sicht der Bildaktforschung, in: Kunstchronik Heft 9/10 (2018), 521-527, review of: Markus Rath, Die Gliederpuppe. Kult - Kunst - Konzept, (Actus et Imago. Berliner Schriften zur Bildaktforschung und Verkörperungsphilosophie, Bd. XIX), Berlin / Boston 2016